Even as the nation continues to speculate whether actor Aamir Khan is still the brand ambassador of Incredible India campaign or not, Khan has finally opted to break his silence over the controversy. In a statement issued to the media, Khan has said, “Whether I am brand ambassador or not, India will remain Incredible, and that’s the way it should be,” NDTV reports.

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The actor, who was accused of being anti-national after his recent statement on “intolerance”, said he would respect the government’s decision, whatever it turns out to be. “It is the prerogative of the government to decide whether they need a brand ambassador for any campaign, and if so, who that ambassador should be,” he said, as reported by DNA.

Union Minister Mahesh Sharma has already clearly stated that Aamir was not exactly “removed” from his post, but, simply, the government’s contract with the McCann Worldwide agency for ‘Atithi Devo Bhava’ campaign had expired.

Meanwhile, Aamir’s statement adds, “It has been an honour and a pleasure for me to be the Brand Ambassador for the Incredible India campaign for the past 10 years. I was happy to be of service to my country, and will always be available for it. I would like to clarify that all public service films I have done till date have all been free of any cost to me.”


All images sourced from PTI