Just a couple of days ago, we did a piece on obsessed DSLR owners. Anish Chakraborty has taken it to a whole new level.  He decides to tell the story in photographs… taken with a DSLR! After all, a picture is worth a thousand words. And he has an album full of words! Presenting Photo Man, the unlikely hero who truly believes that EVERYTHING must be shot ! In Anish’s own words:

This series is not to upset people. It is a light satirical way to show that when people use their DSLR without paying heed to what they take pictures of.

A “Photo Man” is a person with a DSLR. He has a super power. He owns a DSLR.

So what does he do with it? Well, he takes pictures.

Photo Man

Behold the crafty young hero, as he rises to scan his surroundings for his target.

Warming up by clicking a picture of a picture.

You need inspiration. Books look like a good option.

Still-Life is a piece of cake.

Humans make a fascinating subject. The things they do must be candidly captured.

Sometimes you need to be intrusive to get what you want.

And the unyielding ones must be taught to bow down to the power of the DSLR.

He must keep a close eye on his rivals.

Wildlings must be shot,  to maintain the balance of nature. It’s called Wildlife Photography.

Flora must be shot too. In macro. Because it is cool and it fetches a lot of likes on Facebook.

And then, there are some delicate subjects that must be approached with aesthetic caution.

Heroes have weaknesses too.

He risks his life everyday. But death does not scare him.

Because somebody needs to spread the message of the DSLR: Nothing in life is garbage.


About Anish

Anish is a student of English Literature who swears by good food, satire and good literature. Wait for it… he is a photographer by profession. And if you’re interested, he makes great coffee.

Do check out the complete Photo Man album .