Dressed informally to address the students of Bengaluru’s Mount Carmel college, Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi seemed like he was in the zone, much like he was when he turned up to meet with FTII students few months back .

But unlike that speech, things did not exactly work out like the Congress vice president may have planned.

So when he asked the audience whether they thought the Swacch Bharat initiative for cleanliness was working, he was visibly surprised when the reply was a resounding, “Yes!”

“Ok I don’t see Swacch Bharat working,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders and a smile.

Rahul Gandhi during his speech. Source: YouTube

So he switched tracks.

“Let’s ask another question. Do you think Make in India is working?” he asked the audience.

“Yes,” they shouted back. Though in Gandhi’s defence, many did shout no as well.

Seeing he was not going anywhere with it, the Congress vice president said that in his opinion government initiatives like Make in India, Swacch Bharat and Connect India weren’t working.

Here’s the video:


Expectedly, Twitter had a field day with tweets like:

Speaking to reporters outside the auditorium, Gandhi was a lot kinder in his assessment of how the audience reacted. “Half the audience said yes and half said no,” he said. A classic case of seeing the bright side of things.