To ensure we all get our fair share of Monday offs, we’ve compiled a list of creative and effective excuses that will ensure you don’t have to bear the brunt of bosses on Mondays. Here are 11 creative and convincing excuses that’ll ensure you get that Monday off:

1. “Old woman upstairs had a stroke last night. She lives alone. I’m at the hospital with her.”

Unless your boss is sadistic, there’s no way he’s going to ask you to come to work in this situation.


2. “I banged my toe against the bed and the toe-nail came out. It’s too painful, I can’t walk.”

It doesn’t take a genius to forge a limp. Do that the next day at work and earn brownie points for showing up despite your condition.


3. “The electricity meters in my building caught fire. The fire brigade is here, they’ve blocked the exit.”

The manager’s going to have little choice but say “okay, keep me in loop”.


4. “Remember I told you about my issues with my landlord? He’s asking me to evict and I have only today to find another place.”

If your manager is a good person, chances are he’s going to offer you help find a place


5. “I fell from the bus on my way home last night. Contracted a neck-spasm”

Wear a neckbrace to work the next day and secure everybody’s sympathy.


6. “All that staring at the screen has resulted in conjunctivitis. It’s communicable.”

It’s not all that difficult to get a prescription made, is it?


7. “My 10-month-old niece accidentally got an electric shock. We’re very worried. Still at the hospital.”

No one’s going to ask you to ignore a 10-month-old kid even if you don’t have a niece.


8. Chest infection

One of the lesser used medical excuses which is all the more believable if you smoke.


9. In continuation to the chest infection, call your manager the next day to ask something work related and cough your soul out while talking. Then, just watch him ask you to stay home.


10. Food poisoning contracted from the food at work

This one’s the most believable because everyone hates office cafeteria food and this won’t be the first time someone fell sick because of office food.


11. “My roommate locked me inside the house and went to work.”

Support your excuse by saying he didn’t know you were still sleeping and his office is 30 kilometres from where you live. Do this and you’ll witness a rare phenomenon called as “a tongue-tied manager”.


Have better excuses? Let us know!