In An Act Of Sadistic Cruelty, Crackers Were Forced On This Dog, Burning His Neck To The Bone

Smrutisnat Jena

WARNING: Article contains graphic imagery. Viewer discretion is advised.

During Diwali celebrations, stray animals are usually the ones that bear the brunt of the noise and pollution caused by crackers. But sometimes, humans can just be downright cruel.


What we are dealing with here is a prime example of human apathy and cruelty against animals. 

The Newsminute

We have all heard stories of stray dogs and cats getting hurt as crackers go off everywhere. We have also heard stories of people trying crackers to these animals to get some sadistic kick and ending up scarring the poor creatures. 


On such creature is Scooby. A ring of crackers was forced upon his neck during Diwali. As it burst, it burned through his neck. 

His skin has completely burnt off due to this incident with his flesh hanging off and exposing the bone. 


The poor creature is in extreme anguish. He cannot bend, sit, let alone eat anything. World For All Animal Adoptions, an organisation that is taking care of him has said that his treatment will come up to ₹15,250 and is in need of donations.

World For All Animal Adoptions has posted his story on their Instagram page, which is where they have also specified the ways to donate any sum of money you can to save Scooby.  

And Scooby isn’t the only case. Another stray dog, Tazo, had crackers burst too close to him burning half the flesh on his head. You can help him here

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