Meet Therapy Dog Wynn Who’s Bringing Cuddly Love To Doctors Fighting COVID-19 In The US

Needhi Roy

When a furry little creature comes running to you, wagging its tail to lick your face, then tries to sit on your lap — it’s hard not to feel cheered up.

Meet Wynn. The one-year-old trainee service dog at the Rose Medical Center in Denver, U.S.A. She visits the emergency room at the center every single day, to offer comfort and cuddles to the weary hospital staff battling Coronavirus at the front lines. *Wipes tears*


Wynn is currently on call to show some love and provide some much needed therapy to the brave heart doctors, who are fighting immense mental pressure and stress to bring the COVID-19 casualties down. 

The docs especially take breaks from their shifts to spend some quality time with the yellow Labrador and calm themselves. They get all cleaned up before their personalised session of some puppy love. They’re also given a room with dimmed lights and meditation music which could help them relieve their stress better.

The Animal Rescue Site

Wynn in fact is being trained by a senior doctor at the hospital who brings her along for visits every day. She is under training to become a therapy doggo to adults, children and veterans with disabilities for a non-profit organisation. And here we are, wishing we could bring her to live with us. 

Mail Online

The world has literally come to a standstill due to the massive outbreak of the COVID-19. And while everyone’s scared and have literally no idea what’s going on, such stories never fail to bring a smile to our faces. 

The doctors at the hospital believe that playing with Wynn is the brightest part of their day. And reading about Wynn from miles away we cannot help but feel the same way about the furry pawdorable soul.

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