Thrown Into A River To Die, This Doggo Is Living Her Best Life Thanks To This Woman’s Courage

Ira Shukla

Back in January 2020, a terrifying act of animal brutality surfaced from Farndon, Nottinghamshire. A woman named Charlene Latham tied a huge rock to a Belgian Shepherd, Bella, and threw the animal in River Trent.

However, in what can only be called amazing luck, a godsend Jane Harper spotted the dog at the right time and dragged it out of the water. 


She was walking with her friend when they noticed Bella struggling to keep her head above water.

Without giving it a second thought, jane jumped in the murky water and pulled Bella up. Though it was not easy, given the size of the rock pulling her down.


A report from Ladbible on the same topic, quoted her as saying:

I got my arm underneath her and tried to lift her up. I imagine she literally fought to get her head above water and managed to rest it on a step…How could anyone do this to her? I don’t know how long she had been in the water but I don’t think she could have survived much longer. It was just so cruel.  

Bella was then taken to a vet and later to concerned authorities. She had difficulties coping earlier but much to our relief, she is now doing well. 

Meanwhile accused Charlene has pleaded guilty to the crime, and though she is out on bail, she has to appear for a hearing again. 


We hope Bella gets justice soon. Also, more power to people like Jane, who are committed to serving the animals with complete selflessness. 

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