21 Outrageously Offensive Quotes By Borat That We’re All Guilty Of Laughing At

Shruti Pillai

We all love a little guilty humour. Stuff that makes us cringe and laugh all at once. And one of the pioneers of this particular brand of humour was Borat Sagdiyev, a tourist from the great land of Kazakhstan, in the ‘US and A’ to learn their ways. The man is a legend that ate your most offensive racist and sexist jokes for breakfast, and he didn’t even burp.

Here are some of Borat’s most iconic words. To remind you not to take things that people say too seriously. And that Jews really are the worst.

Disclaimer: The nature of these quotes is explicit, but these are words said in a thoroughly ironic context and intend to parody society and laugh at oneself, not at all to offend.

And of course, who can forget Borat’s version of the Kazakhstan national anthem!

Very naaiice indeed, Borat!

We hope these quotes didn’t offend you more than they made you laugh.

Outrageous designs by Utkarsh Tyagi

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