A Beginner’s Guide To Getting A Tattoo Right

Pradamini Kumari

Where to get the tattoo? How much will it cost? What tattoo to get made? Will it pain? These are some questions that most of us, who still don’t have tattoos often ponder over. And the struggle is real. After all, getting body art isn’t a decision that you can take overnight. It takes some time, research and creativity to get the perfect tattoo that matches your personality. So, with the help of tattoo artists and experts, Micky and Vikas Malani, Co-Founders, Body Canvas Tattoos, we’ve got you a dummies. guide to getting your first tattoo right.

Body Canvas Tattoos

1. Try the 6 day rule. 

One should wait for at least six days before getting a tattoo of the first design that pops in your head. Doing so, will give you sufficient time to think about the tattoo design. 

“If you really want a tattoo that will make you proud whether you’re 20 or 60 years old, think about a design for a few days and if you still feel the same way about it, get it inked!”, says Micky Malani.

Body Canvas Tattoos
Body Canvas Tattoos

2. Find the right tattoo artist. 

It is important for you to build a rapport with your chosen tattoo artist so that you speak to them frankly about the design you want. This is the only way for you to get the best version of your design. You should check out the artist’s portfolio yourself on their website and social media handles.

“Some artist may be good at doing intricate big tattoos but may not be able to do a small, dainty minimal tattoo. So, choose wisely according to your design”, says Vikas Malani.

Body Canvas Tattoos
Body Canvas Tattoos

3. A good tattoo isn’t cheap, and a cheap tattoo isn’t good.

A good piece of body art isn’t going to be cheap and you shouldn’t expect it to be so. There are some artists who charge according to the design and size of the tattoo while others, have fixed prices. A medium-sized tattoo can cost anything between ₹1,500-₹2,000, depending on the size and design. 

“Some tattoo artists also operate on vibes of their customers and may even give you a great discount or give you free touch-ups on the tattoo for life– everybody is different. So, do your homework, find your budget and save accordingly”, says Micky.

Body Canvas Tattoos
Body Canvas Tattoos

4. Patience, patience and some more patience. 

Everyone has a different pain threshold and so do your body parts. The pain is likely to lessen after 15 minutes but, don’t ever try to be in a hurry to get it over with. 

“Do not be afraid to ask your tattoo artist for short breaks in between. This will also give you time to check out your tattoo’s progress and suggest any improvements if any”, says Vikas.

Body Canvas Tattoos
Body Canvas Tattoos

5. Be ready for post-care treatment. 

Don’t be under the impression that once you are all tatted up, your work is over. Be well prepared in advance because the gorgeous art will form scabs that will flake, itch and require lots of moisturizing as it needs some time to heal. It is advisable to keep the tattooed area clean and to avoid picking on your scabs and scratching it.

“In a week or two, you would be ready to flaunt your body art to the rest of the world. And just like everybody with good skin says, drink lots of water to hydrate yourself”, says Micky Malani.

Body Canvas Tattoos
Body Canvas Tattoos
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