14 Qualities You Can Figure Out From A Person’s Body Language On The First Date

Ira Shukla

First dates are strange. You’re meeting someone in a private setting for the first time and can only make so many predictions. However, these dates can actually tell you a lot about the other person if you just pay close attention to their body language. Here are Quora users helping us out with the same.

1. Notice how willing they are to help those in need.

How a person responds towards others or gets minute pleasures by helping others tells a lot about his/her real character.

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2. Are they a gossip monger or a conversationalist.

What they do at lunchtime. If they seek out good conversations, it is a sign of someone who is interested in their own development. Gossip mongers reach a plateau very soon.  

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3. How they dress up.

The way they dress. Investing time and energy in being dressed appropriately shows that the person cares enough.  

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4. How they shake hands.

You can tell a lot by the person’s handshake. Soft and unfirm means they are likely to be a submissive or a pushover. While too hard and crushing possibly means, they are a domineering.

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5. How much they are nodding during the conversation.

Exaggerated nodding may signal anxiety about approval. 

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6. How their body reacts during a conversation.

If a person leans in towards you, it’s a clear indication that they are interested in what you have to say. Contrarily, a person who’s tired of the conversation or for some reason feels uncomfortable tends to lean back. 

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7. What do they have to say about other people.

If they talk about how wonderful other people are and praise them behind their back, chances are, they’re a pretty decent person themselves. 

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8. How often they blink.

A person blinks an average of 6 to 10 times a minute. But if this number is higher, there’s a good chance that he’s/she’s attracted to that person.

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9. How they treat the service staff.

I can tell a ton about a person by the way they treat people who work in retail, food service, etc. In fact, it’s the perfect microcosm for the way they treat people in general.  

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10. What they are doing with their life.

How they respond to the phrase “How’ve you been?” or “What’s New?”. You want to start to look for and spend more time with people who always seem to be up to something. 

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11. Their speed of answering questions.

Pay attention how fast people respond to questions. This can give you an idea if they are an introvert who usually takes time to gather their thoughts, or an extrovert, who tends to almost think out loud and loves to talk. 

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13. How they talk about themselves.

1. Low self-esteem if they deflect questions about themselves. 

2. Narcissists if they can’t stop talking about themselves.

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13. How fast they eat.

Fast eaters are ambitious, enterprising, and impatient. Slow eaters are those who have patience and taste the pleasure of life.

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14. Ability to accept critical feedback.

Successful people graciously accept critical feedback, even try to seek it out. Stagnant folks become defensive and indulge in blame game.

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*Takes notes*

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