28 Clever Space-Saving Pieces Of Furniture That’ll Make Your Home Look Way More Roomy Than It Is

Shruti Pillai

If you live in a metropolitan city, a space-crunch is probably not unknown to you. But guess what, there are plenty of pretty slick space solutions out there to not only answer all your space questions, but even your style questions.

Check out the coolest ways to save up on space around the house and make it look like the edgiest of homes.

1. Like this study-table or workstation that folds right up into the wall.

Architecture Art Designs

2. Or a comfy chair with an in-built bookshelf.


3. Slide this cosy recliner out for the perfect reading spot and right back in for some extra space.


4. Try these cool shelves with sneaky slots for your chairs and tables for when you need the space!


5. How about a painting that doubles as a jewellery rack. We know we all want this.

DIY Craft Project

6. Or perhaps one that turns into a table when you wish it to.

Kick Vick

7. Window blinds that can do much more than regulate the amount of sun you get – try drying your clothes here.

Bored Panda

8. The bed mostly takes up all our space. Maybe one that folds up into a sexy couch and shelf wouldn’t, though.

Bored Panda

9. Got a mutt whose dishes are getting in the way? Get ’em this sliding doggie-bowl-cum-drawer. Easy-peasy.

Bored Panda

10. And get yourself this most lightweight and neatness-friendly shoe rack you can find.


11. May I interest you in a staircase that apart form looking super cool, also holds everything from your books to your shoes, and turns into a table at the bottom?


12. Turn your drawer rack into a table for two with a few simple slides. And boom! Bon apetit!


13. Let your friends watch rapt as chairs slide right out of your living room table, turning it into everyone’s designated hangout area.

Bored Panda

14. All-sizes-in-one kitchen knife set is not just going to add to your kitchen’s space, but also it’s style quotient.

Bored Panda

15. An elevated queen-sized bed that only takes up queen-sized space when you’re in it.


16. Forget chunky and old-fashioned study desks. A compact and portable workstation is all you’ll ever need.


17. And what’s a living room with a fireplace, but no books? Slip the literary treasures right out of your couch-cum-bookshelves.

Living In A Shoebox

18. This slide-out pan rack doesn’t just solve space-issues, it also makes them pans more accessible.


19. An ironing board really doesn’t even feel worth it for all the space it takes up. Not this one, though.


20. These awesome wicker chairs don’t just seat all your guests, it also stacks up into a chic, modern piece of your room’s décor.

Wicker Furniture

21. Yet another ingenious couch-cum-bed that will save you on a bunch of space.

Digs Digs

22. Is it one stool? Is it two stools? Who can tell! All I know is that they look awesome.


23. I, for one, have always dreamed that my couch transformed into a bunk bed. well, voila! My dreams have some true.

Home Arena

24. A staircase with a number of sneaky little secret drawers. Yippee. Not just storage space, but sneaky storage space!

Home Arena

25. More staircase storage. And this time, kind of makes you think if you had your very own Potter-esque house guest, you could keep ’em here!


26. An extendable clothesline that folds right into a shelf will certainly make your life easy.

My Austine Lite

There you have it. All you’ll ever need to make the most of the limited space you have. And make your home look fab while you do it. You are, as your doormat probably says, WELCOME! Hehe.

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