10 People Share Alternate Endings For ‘Kal Ho Naa Ho’. We Are Not Crying, You Are

Aaliyah Jain

Kal Ho Naa Ho – the movie that made a home in our hearts with its warm characters, brilliant background score and an emotional narrative, two decades ago. Yes, it has been two decades and the movie’s ending still hurts and makes us bawl like a kid. However, what if we could change the lump-in-our-throat climax?

In the article below, we have mentioned some alternate endings for the iconic movie that are quite intriguing. Let’s take a look at these, shall we?


1. “I would have wanted a desi kid (Rohit and Naina’s), rather than the angrez kid in the climax. I mean, how is that even logical?” -Vasudha Sabharwal


2. “After Aman’s death, his spirit or ghost continues to guide his best friends, Naina and Rohit, in subtle manners. They feel his presence during significant moments in their lives, turning the movie into a poignant exploration of love transcending death.” -Aarushi Sharma


3. “I want Aman’s cancer to be cured in the end, so that he and Naina live together forever.” – Anand Thakur


4. “Aman creates a bucket list of experiences he wants to share with Naina. The movie transforms into a heartwarming journey as they check off items on his list, creating lasting memories.” -Rahul Arora


5. “Rather than Rohit and Naina getting married to each other for Aman as his last dying wish, they fall in love with each other naturally, with time.” -Ishi Kanodiya


6. “Aman Mathur told Naina Kapur that even though he loves her to his core, he can’t be with her because of his disease rather than creating a ruckus and breaking her heart over and over again with excuses.” -Prasang Aggarwal


7. “Aman Mathur kept his feelings to himself, even when he was insanely in love with Naina. This way, Naina would have moved on easily and found the right partner for herself in her own time.” -Aditi Sharma


8. “Instead of a romantic ending, it could have ended with Naina’s journey of self-discovery and personal growth. With Aman’s deep influence in her life, she pursued her passions and dreams, leading to a fulfilling life on her terms.”


9. “Rohit not marrying Naina. He gave her some time to grieve her lover’s passing and then, to move on.” -Anonymous


10. “Aman not dying. Either he cured his disease or some miracle happens – but he doesn’t die.” -Harshita Singh


BRB, we are going to grab some tissues right away!

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