From Jumanji To Pinocchio, 10 Movies That Aren’t Horror But Still Scared The Heck Out Of People


There is always that one movie which you would never want to watch again because it scarred you on some level. More often that not, that movie is not in the horror genre. On the reddit forum r/AskReddit a user asked, “What movie scares the hell outta you that isn’t a horror movie at all?” and yielded hilarious results.


1. Jumanji


Over 50 redditors discussed the scenes from Jumanji that terrified them in their childhood. From the monkey and its CGI to the game board, everything has caused pure horror to the young audience. 

2. Return to Oz


This movie yielded some intense responses and passionate rants. One of them being the following towards character Dorothy Gale:

The users dubbed the movie as “nightmare fuel”. Clearly, nobody expected the sequel to Disney’s celebrated Wizard of Oz to be an unintentional horror film for kids.

3. Mars Attacks!

Bloody Disgusting

The comedy unintentionally scarred some of its young viewers and became a horror movie. Some explained the fear by reminiscing that they were too young to watch it and hence, experienced fear.

4. Large Marge


Suddenly, I am glad that I never watched this movie.

5. Alice in Wonderland


Nobody is surprised that this movie is on the list. The prospect of being lost in a strange world where weird creatures (look at that rabbit!) are tricking you is terrifying to children. One user even described it as “Kafka for kids”.

6. Pinocchio

Common Sense Media

The movie is more of a heartbreaking narrative in hindsight that an outright horror one.

7. E.T.

Vintage Review

The alien who was supposed to be friendly and sweet to children ended up being terrifying. This children’s movie did not sit well with some of the target demographic.

8. Terminator 2


As iconic as this movie and franchise is, it did induce nightmares to some of the younger views.

9. Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory


Made to be a children’s movie, the depictions, scenes and visuals was less than child-friendly.

10. Contagion


This 2011 movie was not successful or hailed as realistic when it first released. However, after the 2020 coronavirus pandemic…things changed. One of those things is the audience perception of this movie. Not only was it lauded by critics and scientists but also tagged as horrifying by people who watched it in the starting of the uncertain lockdown.

Now we know what to avoid on our next binge-watching session.

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