15 People Reveal The Workplace Behaviour They Can’t Tolerate & Folks, It’s Time To Take Notes

Aaliyah Jain

Let’s be honest, we all have seen toxic behaviour at our respective workplaces. Working in a toxic environment not just reduces our productivity but also holds us back from achieving our goals. 

Here are a number of people who, in a thread, revealed the specific workplace behaviour that’s just intolerable. The responses are quite interesting, keep reading!

1. “Martyrdom. “I worked until 8 pm last night, unpaid”. What staff like this are doing is the reason teachers are underpaid and overstretched.” –mycatshavehumannames

2. “Used to work in education and a co-worker would brag about how she never took a sick day even while sick. Thank god, I got out of that mess.” –calgon90

3. “Someone who thinks they’re a manager when they’re not. For example, the person who was just hired after me, tried to shake me down about my break schedule.” –PrismaticWatermelon

4. “Saying mean things about co-workers when they’re not around, and then, being nice to them when they are.” –neuro_illogical

5. “My former boss would make sure to mention that she had worked until 11 pm every day at meetings or she worked during a holiday. And, she expected other managers to do the same.” –Time-Boss-3867

6. “Micromanaging.” –drunkenknitter

7. “Taking credit for others’ work or blaming their poor work on others. I mean, we can see the tags on the file and know it was you who did it or not.” –janeofthedarkraven

8. “Sexual harassment.” –adreamthatdreams

9. “Inability to follow directions or accept constructive criticism. It’s vital to the work that I do.” –gagirlpnw

10. “Casual racism or misogynism.” –kristinabry04

11. “Favoritism.” –brownsugga05

12. “Managers not communicating clearly and then getting angry that you didn’t do exactly what they wanted when they didn’t tell you what they wanted in the first place.” –Sage–Fox

13. “I feel like private information should, if at all, be volunteered and it’s inappropriate to ask. I had my first child younger than is typical for my culture and random co-workers I met that day asked me if he was planned. Get a grip, we’re not hanging out, we‘re working together.” –abv1401

14. “The ‘better than you’ attitude because they work in a ‘better’ department. Drives me nuts!” –Barnacle98

15. “I hate the social pressure to go to office parties/happy hours. I came to work and not spend money and socialize.” –ggpopart

Face, meet palm.

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