5 Good Habits India Picked Up Last Year

Diana Viegas

2020 was a historical year for all of us. There’s not even one person out there who can say that their life did not change in some way or the other. 

But despite all of our lives going head over heels, we did pick up a bunch of new stuff along the way. And no, I’m not talking about the art of making dalgona coffee or acing at Ludo. I mean good habits, that we picked up as the reality of living in a pandemic washed over all of us. 

So, here are 5 from our list of good habits India picked up last year. 

1. The importance of spending time with family. 

As soon as the lockdown began we all packed our bags and went home to live with our family. No doubt, this was the first time that the whole world was collectively going through something like this in today’s day and age. In its own way last year was a pivotal learning chapter where we truly understood and appreciated the importance of spending time with our family members! 

2. Being mindful of mental health. 

It goes without saying that last year was mentally strenuous for everybody. But the good thing that came out of this was the empathy we began harboring towards mental health. Not only did we begin setting boundaries in our social relations, mental health as a topic strayed away from being a no-no topic of discussion. With family, friends, and even our workspaces starting conversations.

3. Genuinely working on boosting our immunity.

With a change in lifestyle and health, we all began making a conscious effort to boost our immunities. Now, the one thing that comes to mind when an Indian hears the words immunity has got to be Dabur Chyawanprash! It has ingredients such as Amla which acts as an immunobooster uplifting your body and mind, and Ashwgandha which is an anti stressor. A household name in itself, this reliable immunity booster continues to be found in almost every Indian household. So, what are you waiting for? Get yours here. 

4. Switching up our lifestyles. 

Last year taught us to appreciate our lives as well as cherish what we already had. But like they say, there’s always room for improvement which lead to many of us switching up and bringing in positive changes in our lifestyles. From yoga, to working out, and even eating healthy, nothing was held back. 

5. Learning to take a break and breathe. 

Life before the pandemic was fast and ruthless. It was last year that we learned the importance of stopping for a while, breathing, and going with the flow. Life had never felt so unpredictable and precious before. 

All in all, 2020 taught us a lot. Can you add to this list? 

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