9 Shocking Facts You Didn’t Know About Tampons & Ultra-Thin Sanitary Pads

Shalin Jacob

Many women are unaware of the risks they undergo, while unceremoniously going through their monthly ritual, hoping it would be less painful this time. But what every woman often neglects and is ignorant about, is that the sanitary pads that they use have become a silent health threat over the years, like a ticking time-bomb.

1. The cellulose in your super-absorbent pads can cause cervical cancer, the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths among women.


2. There are chemicals in your pads which can cause multiple diseases and infections.

Dioxin present in pads and tampons can cause abnormal tissue growth in the reproductive organs. Rayon , used to increase the absorbing capacity of pads, also contains dioxin.


3. Deodorants used in pads can cause infertility and birth defects.


4. Pesticides and herbicides sprayed during the rearing of cotton, used in making pads, can make its way into your bloodstream and cause cancer.


5. Sanitary napkins also contain synthetic material, which blocks wetness and temperature, leading to the growth of yeast and bacteria.


6. Phthalates, also called plasticizers, gives tampons a smooth finish, which can lead to multiple organ damage.


7. If you don’t change your pad or tampon in 4 hours, it can cause Toxic Shock Syndrome and even death.

An overgrowth of staphylococcus aureus bacteria in the vagina leads to Toxic Shock Syndrome, which in extreme cases can lead to death.


8. Recently, a 13-year-old girl in the US, Jemma-Louise Roberts died because of Toxic Shock Syndrome.


9. On an average, a woman disposes off around 16, 800 pads in a lifetime, which is a major concern as these pads are non-biodegradable and cannot be recycled.

One conventional pad is equal to 4 average size plastic bags. Imagine the size of a landfill filled with disposable, commercially made pads used by all the women in the country.


So what’s the alternative? Menstrual cups and Organic cloth pads are the way to go.

Watch this video to educate yourself a bit more:

So, make the right choice for your bodies and the environment, ladies!

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