Quick And Easy Ways To Trick Mosquitoes Away

Hello rains! And, well … hello mosquitoes. Yes, it’s that time of the year – dreadful bites that give you a dengue or malaria scare. But, fret not. This list of nature-friendly tricks should help you drive those mosquitoes (and other insects) away.

Camphor and water

Two tablets of camphor in about a quarter cup of water will do the magic. But, if you want instant results, add in another tablet or two and some warm water.

Source: organic-creations.com

Lemon and cloves

Mosquitoes detest the smell of cloves and all things citrusy. Cut two lemons into halves and press about five to six cloves into each hemisphere. Place these on a plate in your room and kiss those mosquitoes goodbye!

Source: vocalpoint.com


This one will help you on days when you’re feeling anti-social. Binge on garlic-infused dishes. Mosquitoes will be at bay, and so will pesky human beings. Happy alone time to you!

Source: ediblebrooklyn.com

DIY herb sprays

Move over mosquito repellent creams. Make your own sprays instead. All you’ll need is a herb like basil, water, and vodka. Boil the herb in water and strain; squeeze out all the water from the herb. Pour the water into a spray bottle. Add vodka, which should be half the quantity of water. Mix gently, and voila, your very own mosquito repellent spray is ready. *HIC*

Source: mommypotamus.com

Essential oils

Apart from titillating your olfactory senses, most essential oils can also act as mosquito repellents. Lavender, geranium, citronella, lemongrass, lemon eucalyptus, rosemary and peppermint oils work best at keeping those pests away. Just dilute the oil, pour some into an oil diffuser and let it work its magic.

Source: theblissblissbliss.com

Plants that repel mosquitoes

Bring home a catnip, if you don’t own a cat, that is. The plant that’s infamous for getting felines high, works wonders as a mosquito repellent. While mosquitoes have an aversion to plants like lemongrass, marigold, scented geraniums, and herbs like rosemary and basil, the fragrance is quite appealing to us humans.

By Rameshng via Wikimedia Commons

Plants that eat mosquitoes

If you can’t shoo ‘em, shoot ‘em. Well, not really. Just bring home some cute little carnivorous plants and let them do the killing for you. While we’re repulsed by mosquitoes, the Venus Flytrap, Pitcher plant, Butterwort, and Dutchman’s Pipe find them yummy. Really!

By Geoff Gallice via Wikimedia Commons

The not-so-nature-friendly method

But, it is better than chemical-infused mosquito repellent mats and sprays that suffocate us just as much as they do to the mosquitoes. Think insect repellent bands, camphor inserted in machines and even mosquito repellent apps. If you go in for a mosquito repellent (or an insect repellent) app, just make sure it lets you switch between frequencies.

Source: renumahtani.blogspot.in

That’s that. But, if a mosquito did manage to bite you, here’s a quick home remedy. Immerse a metal spoon in hot water for about a minute and keep it pressed against the bite. This kills the proteins that mosquitoes inject into the skin and cures the itch.

Source: lifehacker.com

Feature Image: flickr.com

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