10 Weird Things We’ve All Done On The Internet But Won’t Confess To


We all know the Internet is the most amazing source of information ever in the history of mankind. And of course for someone who uses it the right way there’s nothing more empowering. But let’s face it, we don’t always make the best use of the internet. In fact there are some plain old weird things we do on the internet. Here are 10 weird things we’ve all done on the Internet but Wwon’t confess to:

1. Stalked the attractive new employee who’s joined your office either on Facebook, Google or Twitter!

2. Made a video of yourself doing something which you thought was funny and uploaded it on Youtube only to get embarrassed a day later at which point you deleted it.

3. Started your own FB page although there was pretty much nothing you had that you could put on it.

4. Looked up topics like “how to attract the opposite sex” or “how to be cool in 3 days”.

5. Wrote moronic hateful comments under Youtube videos or news links because you felt it won’t come back to haunt you as it was online.

6. Put up images of popular TV shows and movies as your cover photo to appear uptodate and ‘cool’ although you had never watched it.

7. Sent friend requests to complete and total strangers hoping against hope that they’ll add you and turn into your soulmate!

8. Took online quizzes until you got the result you wanted and only then shared it on Facebook. Still do!

9. Watched…you know what…! Still do!

10. Googled yourself and checked the first 10 pages of the results hoping there’ll be some magical website with your name on it!

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