15 Celebrities With The Most Expensive Body Parts

Rohit Bhattacharya

We know most celebrities have cash to burn, but it doesn’t really sink in until you read about one of them buying an island or spending insane amounts of money on something you know they’ll never use. Case in point, at least for most, is the mad insurance a lot of these people dish out for their bodies – inside and out.

Here are the most expensive celebrity body parts!

1. Taylor Swift: Legs insured for $26.5 million

With a hefty touring schedule and demanding routines, it was only a matter of time until Taylor insured her tippy toes. Those legs go on for days! They’re also one of her defining features and can probably knock a guy out from the other end of a room.

Source – Taylorswift

2. David Lee Roth: Sperm insured for $1 million

Living the sex and rock n roll life means taking certain precautions. In order to avoid paternity suits that could leave him penniless, the Van Halen singer insured his sperm, though legend has it that he actually insured his penis itself. A question for another life perhaps.

Source – Triplem

3. Miley Cyrus: Tongue insured for $1 million

Apparently, Milley sticks out her tongue as a defense mechanism for when there’s a lot of cameras around and she doesn’t quite know what to do. Whatever her reasons are, and it doesn’t really matter, she got that licker insured for $1 million. My guess? She wants to be the re-incarnation of Gene Simmons. Oh wait, he’s still alive, and he’s even on this list!

Source – Unrealitytv

4. Rihanna: Legs insured for $1 million

Rihanna’s known for her badass image and her take-no-shit policy. The razor company Gillette was like “screw that!” however, and decided to insure her legs for $1 million. Now if she loses a leg, she can be all like “Bitch better have my money!”. Sorry.

Source – Likes

5. Kim Kardashian: Butt insured for $21 million

There’s really no need to explain why she did such a thing. The reigning rump queen has let it all show for multiple magazines and centerfolds, and as such it’d be a shame if they went to waste. As someone rightly pointed out, “It should rightly be $21 million per cheek.”

Source – Ok

6. Gene Simmons: Tongue insured for $1 million

The legendary bass guitarist, singer and all around madman for Kiss wouldn’t have half his demonic stature without that iconic tongue. It’s an organism on its own, giving men nightmares and women the opposite. It’d be a crime to NOT insure it!

Source – Ultimateclassicrock

7. David Beckham: Legs insured for $70 million

Ace footballer, male model and all around gentleman David Beckham’s legs are insured for more than what most of us make in our entire lives. Now to figure out a way to master insurance fraud.

Source – Chacha

8. Mariah Carey: Legs insured for $1 billion

Yeah, I can’t believe it either. Constantly singing songs about love and other feelings pays off it seems. Gillette Razors brought her on for their ‘Legs of a Goddess’ campaign and insured them walkers for an unbelievable $1 billion.

Source – Latinpost

9. Tom Jones: Chest hair insured for $6.8 million

Tom can now proudly claim to have the most expensive chest hair in the world. He got this bizarre insurance scene done in 2008, probably because his legions of aging female fans were plucking away every chance they got.

Source – Businessinsider

10. Jennifer Lopez: Butt insured for $27 million

This one should come as no surprise. The woman who arguable started the ‘booty craze’, for want of a better term, insured her own backside for $27 million. There might be bigger and better (?) ones around today, but the original will always remain in our hearts.

Source – Self

11. Julia Roberts: Smile insured for $30 million

This one isn’t actually as bizarre as it seems, considering cavities and broken teeth are things that could actually happen. Julia is known for wide smile, something that I didn’t personally like at first but which grew on me. I guess that’s her secret.

Source – Chinatopix

12. Bruce Springsteen: Vocal cords insured for $6 million

Bruce is a living American legend, and one thing he can’t afford to lose is his voice. Now, thanks to generous insurance policies, he actually can afford to lose it! Fun fact – ‘Born in the USA’ wasn’t actually a patriotic song, but was a protest against the military policies of America during the Vietnam War!

Source – Foxcrawl

13. Kylie Minogue: Butt insured for $5 million

Wasn’t aware that Kylie’s derriere had such status in the booty world. Either way, she insured it, convincing me that these people do in fact poop money.

Source – Viralchakra

14. Daniel Craig: Full body insured for $9.5 million

The James Bond actor decided to insure his entire body after doing his own stunts in Quantum of Solace and realising he’s not invincible. That’s not a very Bond thing to do, but it IS a smart thing to do.

Source – Latimes

15. Cristiano Ronaldo: Legs insured for $195 million

A lot of these footballers are getting their legs insured, and it’s for a pretty nasty reason. Top football players are usually the recipients of hardcore attacks on the field, such as out of bounds kicking. This could end their career, so the insurance situation in this case makes sense. The Tom Jones one still doesn’t though.

Source – Csmonitor

And both my kidneys are not even worth an iPhone 6S. FML!

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