Here Are 10 People I Want To Thank From The Bottom Of My Heart


“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” – Melody Beattie

We go through life in oblivion of how people and their acts of kindness make a difference. If we paused for a second to reflect on all the wonderful things people have done for us, we might find that we can spend a lifetime saying thank you . Yet, we don’t thank enough the very people who deserve to hear these two words.

Today, I would like to thank a few such people who have done things that made a difference in my life.

1. My Domestic Help

For making sure that my cup of tea is never too hot. And for re-heating it when I wake up late.

2. My Seventh Grade Teacher

For not sending me to the principal when you caught me cheating. I never cheated again.

3. My Brother

For always giving me the best relationship advice.

4. My Mom’s Friend

For getting me Papaya leaves when I had dengue.

5. My Mom

For being my drinking buddy. You taught me when to stop.

6. My Dad

For not pampering me and making sure that I learn to deal with the challenges of life on my own.

7. My Best Friend

For not trying to stop me from having my heart shattered. I will never love the wrong guy again because you let me do it once and get it out of my system.

8. My College Professor

For going beyond what was written in books and teaching us the right way to live life.

9. The Guy I Buy Groceries From

For letting me buy groceries when I don’t have money. For knowing that I am loyal and will pay you when I get my cheque.

10. My Ex-Boyfriend

For giving me closure. It was easy to grieve you and move on because there was never any doubt in my mind that it was over between us.

While we’re on the subject, would like to thank its customers users and say #BiggestThankYou for their hearty support and patronage.

Here’s a video that shows how they touched their customers’ hearts by showing gratitude . Everyone deserves to hear ‘ Thank You ‘!

All images, unless otherwise specified, have been sourced from

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