10 Practical Things You Should Actually Be Doing In Your 20s

Isha Jalan

We all keep reading articles about how to live life when you are an average 20-something: things to do, things not to do, people to avoid, people to meet – there is a whole lot of lists for us to follow. But hey! Who are we kidding? Every 20-something isn’t the same, is he/she? Life is different for everyone and not everyone can afford to travel or search for the love of their life or just quit the job they hate! However, if there is something that every 20 something should and can do, it is these things:

1. Learn about taxes

Sooner or later, you will be paying taxes to the government. Talk to a CA friend of yours or sit with your father for a while and learn all about taxes. That way, you will not be panicking the next time you have to file an ITR.

Source: thenypost.files.wordpress.com

2. Open a savings account

Most of us spend the money we earn doing things to be in par with everyone else. What we really need to do is open a savings account. Don’t know a thing about banks? Don’t worry. Just go visit one, ask them to make a recurring deposit, tell them how much money you’d like to save every month, and they will do rest of the job for you.

Source: abiprocess.com

3. Make a passport

If you already have one, kudos! But if you don’t, this is the time! Who knows when your dream of visiting a foreign land materialises?

Source: www.vietnamvisa-easy.in

4. Get yourself insured

You never know what life throws at you. Apart from being optimistic, get yourself insured so you don’t have to pay lakhs if some asshole bangs into your bike or car.

Source: corporateethos.in

5. Buy something whose value will increase as you grow older

Be it a small piece of land, some gold, or shares – whatever you can afford. Save money and buy these things. Future you will thank you for doing this!

6. Study further and get that degree you’ve always wanted before you get stuck in a monotonous job

While a lot of us think that degrees don’t matter as much in this day and age, if you do plan to pursue studies, your 20s is the best time!

Source: criticalfinancial.com

7. Read a newspaper

It’s unfortunate that a majority of our generation doesn’t read a newspaper. Make sure you are up to date with what’s happening around you. Skim through the news, whether it is online or offline. Brownie points for reading a real newspaper!

Source: press4kids.com

8. Go out. Make good connections

While making connections does not need a certain age, your 20s is the time in which you definitely must socialise and network. So, go out and talk to people.

Source: spotcard.co

9. Learn to cook at least 1 dish properly

Food is sacrosanct for survival! Know how to prepare at least 1 dish. You never know when you’ll need it.

Source: nutritionsmart.com

10. Grow a plant/keep a pet

Now most of us choose to live with that special someone or get married sometime. But come to think of it, most of us suck at taking care of little things, leave alone taking care of a human! How about getting started by having a companion with a pet, or if that’s not feasible, a plant?

Source: lbsolutions.no

I know 20s are all about having fun, but make sure you don’t miss on these important things that’ll help you sail smoothly later.

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