These 20 Powerful Animal Rights Posters Will Wake You Up To A Grim Reality

Aditya Varma

We seem to be part of a generation that comforts itself too easily with instant gratification, indulging in ignorance of the reality that surrounds us. Ask the next guy you meet about their opinion on climate change and you’ll get a fair picture of how much people really care. Well, advertisers and forward thinkers from around the world set out on campaigns to spread awareness regarding the reality of animal endangerment and rights that are hard to look at and nearly impossible to digest. They make true the fact that a picture paints a thousand words, and it is not always pretty.

Here are 20 powerful awareness posters on animal rights from organisations around the world that will change how you look at things.

1. LOWE GGK, Warsaw, Poland

2. Partners Lisboa, Portugal

3. Partners Lisboa, Portugal

4. Scholz & Friends, Berlin, Germany

5. Scholz & Friends, Berlin, Germany

6. Scholz & Friends, Berlin, Germany

7. Advico Y&R AG, Zurich, Switzerland

8. WWF, Ogilvy, France

9. WWF, Ogilvy, France

10. WWF, Ogilvy, France

11. Stick, South Africa

12. Stick, South Africa

13. cOOkies adv, Milan, Italy

14. TBWAHuntLascaris, Johannesburg , South Africa

15. TBWAHuntLascaris, Johannesburg , South Africa 

16. DDB, Turkey

17. DDB, Turkey

18. DDB, Turkey

19. Lowe Pirella Fronzoni, Milan, Italy

20. Leo Burnett, Brussels, Belgium

How do you plan on changing the world?

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