20 Unique Tie Knots You Need To Try Out The Next Time You Suit Up

SW Staff

You are what you wear. Ties can do the magic of making the monotonous office going shirts look like a million dollar thing. If a man can sport it well, he has easily managed to catch everyone’s attention.

 Here’s a suggestive list of transforming a tie into a stunning knot.

1. The Eldredge Knot 

As opposed to the vast majority of tie knots, this one is produced by using the small end as the active end, creating tapered fishtail braid-like effect. It’s an elegant and subtle looking knot which will definitely leave a great impression. 

2. The Trinity Knot 

This knot which resembles the Celtic Triquetra is a three-way symmetry knot that looks attractive. The pattern converges at a central point, producing a very eye-catching effect. It might seem a bit intimidating at first glance, but the moves are very easy and simple.

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