Here Are Things Nobody Will Tell You About Going To Study Abroad, But You Should Know

Going to another country for your studies is like getting a new journal you can fill up with exciting things. It’s going to be about new people, new places, and new benchmarks that you’ll set for yourself. It’s daunting, exciting and amazing – all at the same time. You’re completely taking charge of where your life goes. But here are a few things that will be of help along the way. Pep talk, if you may.

There are going to be no restrictions, fly away little bird, fly away!

You are in a whole new place, where there is going to be absolutely nobody to tell you when to do what or when to come back home. Don’t hold back, and don’t let the fear of the new place keep you indoors. Now that there are no ‘curfew’ issues, just get out and have the crazy fun you’ve wanted to have, rather than exist in the Walter Mitty syndrome.


Be as uncool as you want to be, who’s to judge you anyway.

I know for a fact that three months down the lane, you too will join the class of people who look at tourists with a wrinkled nose, wondering why they are so crazy, but be the crazy for now. Get lost, ask for directions, croon and wow at the beautiful sights you see and be the hyper tourist who wants it, all in one go. This is your chance to leave behind your insecurities, let’s get rid of that baggage, shall we?

Fly Time T.V.

It’s only a matter of time, so don’t panic when things get out of hand.

I know it can be very frustrating and tiring. You’ve made arrangements for yourself while sitting at another end of the world. You might get some unexpected surprises with your accommodation, and jet lag might get to you, but chill. There’s nothing that cannot be worked out with a little patience on your end. Talk, and sort things out.

Try keeping the doors of your room and your head open.

Do not judge, or jump to conclusions. Keep an open head about the people you meet and try meeting as many as you can. Great friendships have begun with people greeting each other in the hallway. This will be the best time to lose inhibitions about meeting people, go ahead.


Do not judge. It’s a motto you should follow in life, but especially need to take care of, when you’re abroad.

I am sure you can comprehend the kind of exposure you will be getting there. Go on wild adventures, see all that you can, absorb as much as you can, and it will be more than just studies for you. You will enrich yourself in ways you cannot even conceive. Make sure this is the time you take to broaden your perspective, it’s a big world out there.


Getting Indian food could get a little taxing, so you better buy a hot plate and learn a few recipes.

A new country will obviously bring with it a new cuisine. Don’t forego the chance to taste, but pack yourself some Indian preservatives and a good amount of Maggi, it’s come to the rescue of many a student who’ve tested their metal on foreign shores. Learning a few of your mother’s recipes and carrying a hot plate would be a big lifesaver and a little bit of hard work too.

Ayush Shakti

Go one step at a time, don’t sweat the little stuff.

Navigating through life abroad on your own is not like going about it in your own country. You might find yourself on the wrong floor more than once, you might not be able to get through to people if you are unfamiliar with the language, it might get frustrating at times, but hang in there. It’s just a matter of time before you roll to the beats of the place. Things will be just fine!

You will miss the friends back here, but know that they would be the ones who miss you more.

Life does go on, things will change while you’re there and you will be homesick as hell at times. But always keep one thing in mind, the people you leave behind will be the ones who’ll do more of the missing than you. Keep in touch, but don’t wallow in the misery of wanting familiar ground. Keep in touch, and do make the people back home proud. 


All the very best for all the adventures life has in store for you! It will be one hell of an exciting chapter of your life.

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