Has Friendship Day Lost Its True Essence & Turned Into A Cliché Just Like Valentine’s Day?

Akancha Miharia

As adults, Friendship Day has moved away from friendship bands, chocolates and gifts. It is now about long Facebook posts, hurriedly made meeting plans or calling up friends you haven’t talked to in years. Sounds much like Valentine’s Day, doesn’t it? That one day when people realize they have someone in their life they have to please, and take some extra effort for. And mind you, none of this is substantial unless posted about on social media to make some other hapless folks jealous. 


But this shouldn’t be the case with friends, right? If friends are spending time, they must love each other. 

Yes, Friendship day, the one that comes on the first Sunday of every August. We millenials are slowly turning this day into a cliche just like the infamous Valentine’s Day. Lovers going out of their way to make their significant other feel special on this one day, no matter how topsy turvy the relationship is the entire year. Some not even on that day. However, friendship was one thing that was considered immune to coerced efforts.


Friends are supposed to always be there for the important events, not just take an account of everything once a year.

Friendship might not really be a forever concept, but comes quite close to one. Friends are supposed to be there all year long, supporting you when you’re down, rejoicing with you in your victories. But to be very honest, how many people really do that? How many can say that they know every significant detail even about their closest friend’s life? Life happens, we get busy and in that rat race we forget to keep track of our friends’ lives.


But to everyone’s rescue comes Friendship Day!

Calling them up once a year does not relieve you of your duties as a friend. Meeting is an essential part of every relationship.

People hit their long forgotten friends up, which is a really good thing but the dark side is that the next time this repeats is next Friendship Day or either one’s birthday. And as anybody would have guessed, the conversations are bound to be awkward with both the people having no clue about each others’ lives.

It’s on a convenient Sunday so you would think people will be up for meeting their friends, but the truth is, no one has time anymore. Even in the groups that do go out, not everyone is on good terms with each other and you can clearly cut the tension in there with a knife.


Life and sadly even friendships have become all about social media! A small gesture in real life goes way farther than words ever can.

Real life is seeming to appear like a movie on social media, with perfect pictures and beautiful stories on various social sites, but no one knows what is going on behind the scenes. The couple with their Instagram story of a romantic date night might just be arguing all night long. Someone checking in on FB with a large group of friends on Friendship Day somewhere makes you wish you had a similar group. But you never know, who is going behind whose back, there is hardly a thing as a perfect group.

Love should invariably be expressed every opportunity you get, least one could expect is that their significant other shows concern or spends quality time. Friendship is not much different, you need people to stand by you in your lows and it is true friendship only when the time lapse doesn’t show any impact on the bonding. Going out one day of the year or posting long messages on how they are your anchor in life proves nothing – these are mere words. I’m not against someone expressing their love, be it social media or otherwise, but words can only do so much.


Realize the importance of people in your life and spend your time on things that really matter. You do not want to look back and be left with no friends. 

We need to stop doing things from the perspective of how many people are witnessing it, how caring you are coming across as. We need to start being there in the true sense of the term, get to know our friends no matter how long it has been, try to reconnect, resolve differences, if you were waiting for the right day, make Friendship Day, the day you had been waiting for. Reach out to that friend before it’s too late and you don’t even have friends left to celebrate the day with. Do small gestures for your loved one if you are bad at expressing. Look beyond the cliches, dig deeper, discover friendship, embrace love.

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