These ‘Kamasutra’ Facts Prove Something More People Should Know: Sex Requires Learning

Manya Ailawadi

When we talk about sex, we boil it down to penetration. If we make some effort, we address orgasm. However, that’s as far as we go. Other than the lack of proper sex education, our inability to dig ‘deeper’ is why we don’t see sex for what it can be – pleasure. We look at is as something so scandalous, that we almost make it sound vulgar. The only way to not do it, is learn and actually have fun. In a way, the Kamasutra managed to do that long before.

Here’s what the book says about sex and pleasure that is more than just facts:

1. You must be experimental with your kissing.

The book advises against limiting kisses solely to the lips and encourages exploration. It suggests being open to kissing various areas, including the hair, chest, forehead, breasts, mouth, clitoris, and the inside of the mouth.


2. There are more sex positions than you think.

Vatsyayana proposes the existence of eight different sexual techniques, each comprising eight distinct positions, resulting in a total of 64 sexual positions outlined in the Kamasutra.


3. Women should climax first.

According to the Kamasutra, women have the potential for multiple orgasms and can continue engaging in sexual activity even after reaching climax. Men typically experience a decrease in energy after orgasm. So, it recommends that men prioritize ensuring their partner achieves orgasm first before focusing on their own climax.


4. Consent is (always) the key.

Foreplay plays a crucial role in leading to a satisfying sexual relationship, as per the Kamasutra. It recommends that a man initiate physical contact by gently touching a woman’s shoulders to take consent before proceeding further. And only if she reciprocates positively should he proceed with further intimacy.


5. Penetration is not the only way to orgasm.

The book highlights the difference in sexual experiences between men and women, noting that men often climax at the end, while women find satisfaction in the entire sensual act. Contrary to the belief that a woman’s orgasm is ‘complex’, the Kamasutra suggests that fulfilling her overall needs is the key to satisfying her sexual desires.


6. Sex positions were named after pieces of jewelry.

In a recent podcast, sexual health influencer Seema Anand talked about the book. She mentioned that each position is known by a piece of jewelry because women were taught positions by how different pieces of jewelry move on their body. In fact, women were expected to read about sex before getting married.


7. You might be doing the ‘woman on top’ wrong.

Porn may not be showing this position in the most logical way of achieving orgasm – the key is NOT to pounce. According to the Kamasutra, women wore a jingling chain around the waist, and they had to make sure that it didn’t make sound. So they had to move in a specific way, which in-turn helped achieve pleasure.


8. Sexual energy was seen as the highest form of energy.

Every time a king came to the throne they would get a Kamasutra version commissioned. It was also believed that if a couple shared a mutually pleasurable intimacy, that would mean a stable relationship. It in-turn meant that the society would be stable.


Have a good time, I guess?

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