Men Answer 15 NSFW Questions That Women Always Wanted To Ask Them

Aaliyah Jain

From boners and sex to little compliments, there are a number of things women always wonder about men. Well, a Reddit thread finally went ahead and asked the question and there’s a flood of comments on the thread.

Let’s go ahead and read some of the most scandalous and hilarious questions women had and what men think about it!

1. How does it feel to get a boner and how often per day do you get one?


Like growing an extra limb at the end of your torso; the number varies every day.


Horny and uncomfortable. And anything slightly sexual makes it more horny and uncomfortable. Per day count can range from 0 to uncountable. It varies a lot day to day, and I don’t know if I should count a semi-chub as a boner or not.


2. When you pee, how do you get any of the residues off?


You can flip it, You can flop it, You can make it dance, But the last three drops are always down the pants.


Just like the flick of the wrist.


3. When dating someone and she sends you nudes, what happens with those? Does it die in your gallery with other pictures or does it actually get used from time to time?


Can’t speak for every guy, but I ask if I can save them then put them in a password-protected folder. If we break up, they’re deleted.


I delete photos after a ‘session’ shall we call it. I don’t want to reference old material – I’d rather she take a fresh pic at the moment if she likes. If she’s not up for it – then I’ll have to wait. Having a ‘cache’ of old pics is something I used to have but deleted them. Memories at the moment will do.


4. What does it feel like to be inside someone?


Have you ever been wrapped really tightly in a warm, heavy blanket on a cold day? If you add the sensation of a firm all-over massage and then localize the sensation to just the absolute most sensitive part of your body, that’s basically what it’s like. I also have this enormous emotional connection, a swelling sense of urgency, and absolute focus on my partner. Also, the feeling of impact of your partner’s thighs and bottom on my thighs and pelvis is quite pleasing… perhaps like being firmly hugged?


Warm, wet, welcoming, aligned, and like satiating a long-held hunger. Experiencing the beauty of another body in a way that is superior to simply looking at it or touching it.


5. Does it hurt to bike? Or do your genitals ever get in the way?


It only hurts because the seats are tiny, hard, and cheap since most of us don’t ride $5000 bikes.


It’s fucking hell. The thing is you don’t feel it until you you stand up the first time. Basically, when you reach your destination. So now you have to ride the whole way back in pain and misery.


6. What “little” acts of love do you like the most?


Honestly anything, guys get basically nothing in the way of support, let alone love. If you give a guy a compliment he’ll remember it for years to come.


Touch me. Anywhere. Can be a hug, a kiss, my arm, pat my head, anything.


7. Is it usually true if you tell a girl that she’s the best you’ve ever had?


It’s like when you are eating amazing nachos and you go “these are the best nachos in the universe”. does it matter if it is factually true? at the moment you mean it.


What idiot is going to say “You’re like the third-best girl at sex that I’ve had.”?


8. What pisses you off most about dating/being in relationships with women?


Will you give us a hug sometimes. I like hugs, I don’t always feel like initiating contact. Sometimes I want love when I don’t know I want it. If I’m watching something or on the computer even. Anytime can be hug time.


I’d like to have time to myself but that doesn’t mean I don’t like you.


9. Have you ever tried on women’s pants or swimwear? How does it fit on you, especially the crotch, hip, waist areas?


No – I like my pockets too much!


I actually used to crossdress. I have a juicy ass for a dude. Panties were not comfortable. The pants fit great.


Yeah, I tried my mom’s pants and it almost ripped.


10. What are some of the most awkward times you’ve got a boner?


I was wearing tight jeans in a professional event that was being photographed. There are one or two pics that show the ol’ snake running down my leg.


Got one at a funeral once. Worse yet, it was for a friend of my then-girlfriend.


In church.


11. If you were to swim naked, would your dick float or do the balls float and the dick sinks (or vice versa)?


It floats around if it’s flaccid. If it gets hard/half-hard, then it doesn’t.


Do you know what’s scary? Even I don’t know this one.


12. I have known several men in my life that scratch their crotch area quite a bit. Is it that the balls are itchy or something else?


Sometimes they stick to our thighs if you see someone walking weird they probably trying to unstick and also it sometimes is itchy.


My dad scratches his crotch constantly and always has. Its gross.


13. Does it get bigger if you blow into it?


What; like with a straw?


Stick an air compressor in, see what happens (FYI, don’t actually do this, it will 100% hurt)


14. Do men actually measure their penises or is this something glamorised on tv?


I don’t think there is a guy alive over the age of 16 who has not measured it in some form or the other.


We definitely do at some point.


15. Do you ever go commando?


Never in my life. We men have nasty, hairy, sweaty asses.


Yea, only because underwear after a long day is just uncomfortable.


You can go through the entire thread here.

Well, do you have anything to question or answer? Let us know in the comments!

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