This Web Series Talks About Sexual Consent In A ‘Sexy’ Way. F*CK YES!

“Actively seeking a partner’s consent” kills the fun that usually accompanies sex, is what most people believe. According to the consensus, conversations about sex make sex, less enjoyable.


Well, an all-girl gang is all set to thwart this myth once and for all!

Emily Best, CEO and founder of the indie film crowdfunding company named Seed&Spark, wants to outdo the unanimous belief that seeking consent ruins the fun.


She’s doing that with a NSFW web series titled F*CK YES.

Quite like the name suggests, the goal of F*CK YES is to “make getting affirmative consent a part of the sexual experience,” says Emily in an interview with Mashable.


The show aims to change how we think and talk about consent, in a way reassuring that asking for consent shouldn’t feel awkward; it should rather get you excited about the sexual act you’re going to engage in!


If a girl leans in and whispers all the things she wants you to do to her, that’s not sexy?

This was Emily’s fitting reply to a male friend who believed that talking about sex ‘ruins the mood’.


F*CK YES wants to show that permission is sexy and never uncool! It intertwines affirmative consent with super steamy scenes!

The first episode titled ‘Protection’ depicts an impromptu sexual hookup between a couple. The woman reveals that she hasn’t shaved her legs and the guy’s buttons are almost impossible to undo; moreover, none of them has a condom. 

If you’re expecting a conflict at this juncture (where one convinces the other to do it anyway or to altogether give up), then you’re mistaken. What ensues is a hot conversation that paves way to a sweet resolution!

Here’s the clip:

Other episodes in this web series include a lesbian couple discussing penetration, a teenage couple figuring out how to ‘do it’ and other such situations. Once this is done, Emily decides to up her game to rope-in more characters to add diversity; for instance including a Muslim couple and a transgender opening up about sex.  

To promote the series, Best is using the #ConsentIsSexy hashtag, a phrase that gained popularity in recent years as college students began protesting against sexual assault and advocating for increased sexual education. 

b’Source: Mashable’

Let’s hope this show goes a long way in changing pre-conceived notions pertaining to consent and sex. All the best, Emily!

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