12 People Share Sexual Myths That They Had To Correct For A Partner ‘Cos No One Taught Us Well

Manya Ailawadi

By now we know that most information that people have about sex and sexual health is self-achieved. The resources, however, are mostly concerning. Porn and random sites cannot always be trusted – and the lack of basic knowledge can definitely make things weird, especially during “the act”. Imagine getting a biology lesson while having sex. Doesn’t sound so sexy, right?

That’s how misinformation and myths ruin the experience. Like these stories of Redditors, who had to correct their partners about weird sexual myths.

1. “My bf thought he was uncircumcised. I had to show him pictures of dicks on the internet to prove to him that he was indeed circumcised.”


2. “Had to inform my ex that girls did not pee out of their vagina.”


3. “I knew a sexually active but sheltered girl who, at 18, thought the girl had to orgasm to get pregnant. Yes, she had been having unprotected sex.”


4. “My current boyfriend thought that AIDS could just spontaneously develop from unprotected anal. I had to explain it to him that one of the involved parties needs to be infected. He’s still not convinced.”


5. “He thought that women could not actually have sex on their periods. Not that they may not want to or whatever, that the vagina somehow sealed off and penetration was impossible.”


6. You should not use your teeth during a blowjob.”


7. “This wasn’t coming from a partner, but so many guys still think that lots of sex will make a woman’s vagina “looser.” That’s not how it works down there, people.”


8. “Never had a partner, but a friend once told me that his wife thought a blow job was actually blowing on the penis like a flute.”


9. “He thought a camel toe happened when a girl was turned on, like we have some kind of weird vuvla erection.”


10. “This isn’t really sexual, but my ex asked me how I pee with a tampon in. He thought it all went up the same hole.”


11. “My ex thought girls didn’t have to wash their genitals.”


12. “I had an ex who believed a dick could grow back if cut off, like a starfish arm.”

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