4 Major Things To Look Out For While Buying A Pre-owned Car

Sahana Parvin

Do you dream of owning a car and are looking for ways to go about it? 

Buying a car is a massive rip in one’s pockets no matter what brand of denim you wear.
And buying a pre-owned one comes with added concerns of vehicles being accidental or non-accidental; distance covered; dead body in the trunk (It’s a joke, for God’s sake!)  

Fret not, that’s where we are going to step in and cover a part of that job for you by listing some checks that one must do while purchasing a pre-owned vehicle. 

1. Structural integrity of the vehicle. 

First of all, you have got to judge the book by its cover! 

Check every nook and corner for unusual wear and tear. This will include the roof, the interior, bonnet, boot, each and every door and window. (You can find me at 221B, Baker street, huh!)

2. Make sure the mechanical features are intact.

How do we know a car runs well? That’s right, you have to take it for a stroll and judge what it feels like to drive it. Focus on the brakes, gears, drive train, under chassis, etc, and NOT, I repeat, NOT on the person waiting next to you at the signal! 

3. Keep a keen eye on the electrical parts.

The last thing that you want is a broken electrical system. So keep a keen eye on the air conditioners, lights, vents, wipers, switches and all that jazz… (Not to mention all the info you need to gather about the batteries, alternator, spark plug, fuses and the ignition systems) 

4. Check for major dents, spots and scratches.

Well, who would want a vehicle with visible dents, scratches, chipped paint and scuffs? And so, lastly, you have to check a pre-owned vehicle for all those things before letting your mom brag to the neighbour about your new car. 

Sounds like a tedious job, no? 

So what do we do? Lose all the hair left on our heads? Of course not! We can buy a pre-owned car without worrying about quality or durability or any of these factors at all. 
We know you have trust issues. But what if we told you CARS24 has got your back? 

The CARS24 team will make your life a lot easier by conducting around 140 checks that include all your concerns and added perks like washing and deep cleaning, etc. 
The cars also come with a trusted warranty of 12 months, so you can sit back and turn the dream of owning a vehicle into reality with backup and ease. Not only that, now they have MRLs (Mega Refurbishment Labs) to make sure every car they send out is the best one can lay hands on. 
Set across 35 acres of land in 7 metro cities, these extensive state of art facilities are packed with superior technology such as AI, data science and machine learning to make sure each car leaving their MRL is as good as new!   

And if you still have questions, let Dhairya Karwa put all your doubts to rest with the film linked below. 

*Well, I’m gonna go book driving lessons before it’s too late. Happy car shopping experience to you! Thank me later…*

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