Here’s Everything You Need To Know About Customisable Lenses At YourSpex

Komal Singh

There’s always some new trend going on these days that you have to keep up with. Some kind of clothes that people are wearing, a new device that everyone is talking about, or this new movie that “you HAVE to watch”. We understand how annoying it could get to keep track of all of these things. But here’s something that genuinely needs your attention—customisable lenses at YourSpex. 

Founded by Vivek Gupta, from GKB Group (who has been in the optics business for the past 60+ years), YourSpex aims towards bringing a revolution in the eyewear market with its cutting-edge facial Tryon technology. We can’t stop talking about how amazing this is. Their proprietary recommendation engine analyses your facial features and suggests you the best suiting shades, lenses, and spectacles according to that. On top of that, you also get to customise your lenses according to your personal needs. How cool IS that? For example, if you’re someone who loves the sun, you could opt for UV protective lenses. Or if you’re someone like me who is prone to accidentally exposing your lenses to scratches, just go for the anti-scratch feature. YourSpex allows you to choose your lens features like you choose your pizza toppings!

People can choose from 200+ designs available in their collection! They can also make a pick from four different styles of lenses, from progressive, bifocal to single vision or Computer glasses. This can further be customised according to the features that they want in their lenses, add-ons like blue-block lens, super low reflection coating, anti-glare, and scratch resistance. So basically, they allow people to curate eyewear that perfectly suits their face type, daily habits, and personal preferences. This is not just applicable to prescription lenses, you can get these customisations for shades too.

We forgot to mention, you get all of this, without burning a hole in your pocket. 

If you live in Delhi NCR, you could also opt for a home try-on, where you can order with your tested prescription on the spot and get it delivered to you at your doorstep! 

So go ahead, get yourself some super cool custom-made eyewear at YourSpex, and treat your eyes with their perfect match to enjoy all the compliments that await 😉

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