18 Super Cool Gifts That Are Perfect For The Nerds & Geeks In Your Life

Shruti Pillai

Among all the high-school-movie categories that human kind has divided itself into, the nerds are by far the coolest ones. I mean, it’s counter-intuitive if you go by actual high school movies, but very true if you think about it. Whatever their particular brand of nerdiness – comics, video gaming, fantasy fiction or tech and gadgets – it makes them infinitely cooler.

Now, to be able to successfully find a thoughtful gift for the awesome nerds in your life, you’ve gotta identify what makes that particular nerd tick. And I believe the list you’re about to embark on, has at least one mind-blowingly cool item that will make for the perfect gift.

1. Bat Pegs

‘Cause nothing else will do for the laundry of a vigilante, a caped crusader, a Dark Knight. For the laundry of a hero.

Geek Goodies

2. A Chewbacca seatbelt cover

This super-soft, extra-awesome Chewbelta is what your friend needs when they’re out and about in the city. So the world can see what a big fan of Star Wars they are as they drive around in their own little Millennium Falcon.


3. A House of Stark beard comb

Give your beard-sporting bae the same comb that Ned Stark used and probably planned on passing on to his sons after they grew beards… y’know if things hadn’t gone super-south for ’em.


4. The One Ring

That’s right. The One Ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness… surprise them. Seriously. Surprise your favourite geek with the legendary LOTR ring.


5. Rick & Morty Monopoly board game

Buh-lieve me. Best. Gift. EVER for all fans of Rick & Morty out there. They’d buy and sell locations from the Multiverse including the Cromulon Dimension, Gazorpazorp and Planet Squanch and probably love you forever.


6. A smartphone endoscope cable

With this little gadget, one could get eyes on the hidden corners we didn’t think possible. So it might come in handy for a friend that’s planning an elaborate heist or grift.


7. Super Mario Bros. magnet set

‘Cause who doesn’t want to turn their fridge into a new level on Super Mario every goddamn day? Yep, this gift is a Mushroom Kindgom in one’s home. If that isn’t love, I don’t know what is.


8. The Darth Vader coffee mug

Sometimes you need coffee to start the day as the rogue, all-powerful Jedi that you are, right? Well no better way for your Star Wars geek friend to have it than in this mug.

Geek Goodies

9. A sword umbrella

Turn your friend into a deadly ninja of staying out of the rain! This umbrella, apart from saving you from the rain, makes you feel like a warrior of the Samurai variety.

This Is Why I’m Broke

10. The Game of Thrones Hand of the King pin

For your right hand friend and fellow GoT fan. The one person that stands by you even as the houses of the seven kingdoms continue trying to take the Iron Throne from you.


11. The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook

For all HP fans with a culinary flair, here’s a collection of all of the most delicious things right out of Rowling’s magical universe. Treacle Tart (Harry’s favourite dessert), Molly’s Meat Pies (Mrs. Weasley’s classic dish), Kreacher’s French Onion Soup… they’re all in there!


12. Planet lollipops

Want to give someone an ‘out of this world’ present? May I suggest these incredible lollipops disguised as planets from our solar system, which will make for the best spacey treats.

Uncommon Goods

13. The Tyrion Lannister beer mug

‘I drink and I know things,’ said Tyrion, and the fans of Game of Thrones and alcohol across the world were never the same again. Here’s the perfect gift for one such fan.


14. The XBox 360 Controller bra

‘Cause gaming ain’t just for boys. Give the gamer chick in your life this badass gift to show… support. Get it?


15. Virtual laser keyboard

Know any tech geeks that could use a supercool keyboard wherever they go? Well, riddle me this – what’s cooler than lasers? Answer – Nothing. You’re welcome.

CTX Technologies

16. Superhero sleeping bags

Know a crazy fan of the Marvel superheroes? Someone who also loves to go camping? And perhaps someone who also has nightmares, and therefore needs to disguise himself as a superhero and beat all the monsters in the dream? Yep, this is for them.

This Is Why I’m Broke

17. Dobby socks

Give this to the friend that cried the most when Dobby died. And watch dem feels take over.


18. The Pyro Mini Fireshooter

Yes, it’s exactly what it sounds like. A bracelet that lets you shoot fireballs from your wrist. Sure, a super-power is certainly an undeniably indulgent gift. But hey, if you’ve got a super-nerd you want to indulge, this will certainly do the (magic) trick!

Pyro Mini Fireshooter

So don’t wait too long before you surprise the nerdy nerds you love, with a gift that’ll blow their damn worlds. Remember to thank us later, tho.

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