15 Things Married People Want Singles To Know Because They’ve Been There

Meenu Katariya

The idea of tying of the know with your partner and starting your ‘forever together’ with them is quite romantic. But it is also a huge commitment and it requires a lot of effort from both sides. It’s not always butterflies and who can tell this better than those who are married.

So, here’s a few things married people want singles/unmarried people to know because they have firshand experience.

1. Liking your partner is so much more important than loving them.


2. There’s nothing like ‘never go to bed angry’. At times you would want to sleep on issues and discuss them in the morning.

3. You will rarely sleep in one blanket. Better get two separates ones because you wouldn’t want to feel cold all night.

4. It’s okay to sleep in different rooms if one of you doesn’t want to get disturbed.


5. You might not be attracted to your partner and still love them.

6. Do not expect your partner to be the same person you once dated. People change with responsibilities.


7. The honeymoon phase doesn’t last long. The love and respect you have for each other does.

8. It’s not always 50:50. There’ll be days when you will need more support and love than your partner and vice versa.


9. At times, you will apologise for hurting your partner’s feelings and that doesn’t mean you are wrong. You can still have a healthy discussion.


10. Cleaning, cooking and other household chores will be shared between you two and it’s never one person’s responsibility.

11. You can be in the same home and not interact because you are watching different shows/movies in different rooms.


12. Choose someone whose company you genuinely enjoy and not only because you’ve been together for long.


13. There’s nothing like unlimited sex. You will still need consent.

14. Having a shared sense of humour helps a lot.


15. Both partners will have to put in effort to make it work.


Take these bits of advice because it’s from someone who’s been there.

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