Shah Rukh Khan starrer Pathaan has been breaking records ever since its release. The film has earned more than ₹400 crores in just one week. The actor’s huge fan following attracted the audience to flock to the theatres in huge numbers to witness his comeback. For example, this specially-abled man who travelled on his friend’s back to witness King Khan’s magic on the silver screen.


The specially-abled man travelled from Bihar’s Bhagalpur to West Bengal’s Malda on his friend’s back to watch Pathaan at Samsi Pawan Talkies. The 35 seconds video was shared on Twitter by Halim Hoque. It shows the man carrying his friend on his back and standing outside the theatre. The men share how they reached the theatre and the fact that they are Shah Rukh Khan’s fans. Take a look at the tweet here.

The video has gone viral on Twitter. The video has fetched over 98.6K views, more than 170 retweets, and more than 550 likes. Many netizens saluted their friendship, while some got emotional. Here’s what they had to say about the video.

These men have, truly, defined what friendship actually means!

Also Read: These Videos Of Audiences’ Reactions To Pathaan In Theatres Are The ‘Real Dopamine Boost’