The Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGIA) of Delhi has left all the airports of the world behind to achieve the number 1 position in terms of airport service quality.

Last year, the IGIA had secured the 2nd rank in the highest category of handling over 40 million passengers per annum, along with Singapore’s Changi Airport.  

It’s now the 7th busiest airport in Asia and among the top 20 busiest airports across the world.

In terms of passenger growth, the IGIA has surpassed Changi, Incheon and Bangkok airports with over 63.5 million passengers flying through the Delhi airport in 2017.

The survey was conducted by Airports Service Quality (ASQ), the only worldwide programme to survey passengers at the airport on their day of travel. 

The programme measures passengers’ views on 34 key performance indicators such as airport access, check-in, security screening, restrooms, stores and restaurants.