As women, we’ve been conditioned to find flaws in ourselves. In the way we look, or how skilled we are at something and to think little of ourselves. So, it’s common for most women to come across naysayers, people who tell them that their goals are too big and out of reach. This is something that actor Kate Winslet spoke about and pretty much proved that we’ve been taught wrong. 


A clip of Winslet from the 2016 BAFTAs has been circulating the internet. In it she’s talking about how when she was 14 years old, her drama teacher told her that she will probably have to settle for the ‘fat girl,’ role, and that was as far as her career would go. Not only was this a huge instance of body shaming, but also a moment where someone projected limiting beliefs on to another person. 

You know when I was younger, when I was only fourteen, I was told by a drama teacher that I might do okay if I was happy to settle for the fat girl parts.

-Kate Winslet


What came next, was Winslet giving some solid advice to younger women. She said that the best thing to do, in a situation where someone is being discouraging, is to never give up.

 What I feel like saying in those moments is, you know any young woman who has ever been put down by a teacher or a friend or even a parent, just don’t listen to any of it because that’s what I did. I didn’t listen and I kept on going and I overcame all of my fears. And I got over a lot of insecurities. And just keep doing it and keep believing in yourself. Like I really had to dig deep and do. So, I would dedicate it to all those young women who doubt themselves because you shouldn’t be doubting, you should just be going for it.

You can watch the video here. 

How inspirational! We love her for saying this.