Animated movies and cartoons amaze me. It’s brilliant, the kind of thought that goes behind every character. The stature, the clothes, the colours, the detailing … all of it has to match so perfectly with the character’s personality. Once it’s all thought of, comes the tough part … bringing it to life. And it all starts with a sketch.

Sure, these sketches seem intimidating. But Rob, from Mad Stuff with Rob, makes it seem really easy with this tutorial. Watch this video and you’ll be able to sketch one yourself, within a minute!

Who would’ve thought drawing minions could be so easy! Here’s my sketch-

Take inspiration, give your minion a personal touch, and share your sketches with me on Twitter – @enigmagnetic

I’m happy to share a reader, Juee Oberoi’s sketch. Keep ’em coming, guys! 🙂

Feature Image Source: Yana G via