So, we all know how the raging popular show F.R.I.E.N.D.S is making a comeback, right? In the light of the same, a few conspiracy theories have started floating around and one of them is rather shocking. 

Drawing inferences from 3 particular episodes, a Reddit user noted that they suspect Monica might have cheated on Chandler. 

Though the “might have”, already something hypothetical, is used very loosely here. Basically, the person says that because Monica found herself hung up on Richard after all those years and because she knew the phone numbers of a few strippers, she could have been a cheat.

Now, of course, none of that counts as cheating, something pointed out by another user.

To which, the person who posted the theory wrote:

And then, there was a whole discussion about what constitutes cheating and what can make someone believe that a person is capable of doing it.

I personally think the instances pointed out by the Reddit user are strong enough proof to question Monica’s loyalty.

As also stated by this person here:

So all in all, no, it doesn’t seem like Monica cheated on Chandler or anything, but people who talk will talk.