The longest-running multi-camera sitcom in the history of television, The Big Bang Theory aired its series finale on May 16. While some fans were left teary-eyed, some were not that satisfied with the way the show ended. That seems to be in style these days.
Here are some tweets that capture the feelings of TBBT fans to the core.
Thanks to the Big Bang Theory for making science and scientists cool- especially the women. Those of us who really do science appreciate it, even if we can be a little “quirky” at times.
— Kim Templeton (@KimTempleton3) May 17, 2019
It couldn’t have ended any better! Great ending for a wonderful show that made me laugh every single week for those 12 seasons. Sure going to miss it!
— Jan Caswell (@CaswellJan) May 17, 2019
I cried multiple times. I just got so invested. 😥
— Julieee311 (@Julieee3111) May 17, 2019
I hate to say it.. The Big Bang Theory had a better series finale than GoT.
— Reek Targaryen (@Rhaegar_II) May 20, 2019
The writers spent 12 years being so creative and took the easy way out. I was disappointed
— Renee Barcia (@nyourlittledog2) May 17, 2019
Hasn’t been funny since season three.
— Lola (@cammatt57) May 17, 2019
Makes me so sad! Love this show.. Wish it didn't have to end!
— 💙Leah💙 (@curvy_bombshell) May 16, 2019
Me when it’s the last episode of The Big Bang Theory
— Justin Martinez 🇨🇦 (@TheJmart1) May 16, 2019
As much as I’m sad to see #GOT come to a close, I think the finale of #BigBangTheory made me more emotional. Somehow that writing was better.
— Jan Ole Peek (@ChalkOne) May 20, 2019
Big Bang Theory is over? THANK GOD. What a flaming pile of garbage. Science isn’t for “nerds”. Taking care of yourself, your appearance, and personal hygiene isn’t for “dumb people”.
— Sara Ownbey Chipps (@SaraJChipps) May 18, 2019
The Big Bang Theory Finale was like the best thing I’ve ever seen. I mean every single detail was in place. Even though the series ended, I couldn’t ask for more. Thank you @bigbangtheory for giving us, me, such a great-12-years-time. And also @ChuckLorre1 @billprady. Good job
— marginally stable (@winisovicheu) May 20, 2019
The BigBang Theory finale was ..
— Beshr (@BeshrAkd) May 17, 2019
White people: Big Bang Theory is over! It’s so sad!
— [Harm To Ongoing Matter] (@absurdistwords) May 18, 2019
Me: That show was still ON? You were still WATCHING it? On PURPOSE?
The Big Bang Theory was also a good series finale. It was sweet & simple but best of all..the characters were true to who they are & everything remained the same in the end. No one died, moved or broke up. Nice to see a finale with heart & soul of characters you really liked.
— Julia Burrell (@republiclvr) May 20, 2019
Good news everyone, I found a whole bag of extra Big Bang Theory episodes
— Bed, Batman, & Beyond (@jephjacques) May 18, 2019
— 100% ToniaM (@ToniNailsIt) May 17, 2019
To @bigbangtheory, thank you so much for the show that inspired our lives and gave us inspirations to leran more about science. Thank you for the laughs and the best finale. I am so sad that tbbt will end, i will miss 4A & 4B and all the cast. #BigBangTheory thank you so much! ❤️
— tbbt will be forever in my heart (@wantonmamirants) May 17, 2019
Soft kitty, warm kitty
— 🄼🄸🄽 (@jessajayson) May 17, 2019
Little ball of fur
Happy kitty, sleepy kitty
Purr, purr, purr
It’s the finale 😭#BigBangTheory
Can you believe it? they finally fixed the elevator.#BigBangTheory #BigBangTheoryFinale
— Arastoo (@arastoonet) May 18, 2019
A perfect finale to finish the show! Thank you 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🥺😭 #BigBangTheory
— Lags (@Laguna34434445) May 17, 2019
The Big Bang Theory series finale tonight. Bittersweet feeling for me. I’ve watched every single episode. I own every single season of the show on DVD. I love the five main characters. But the last seasons were disappointing and the writing went downhill. It had to end. RIP TBBT.
— The Ball Kid (@canadianballkid) May 16, 2019
Gonna miss this show. Mahalo for the laughs, but especially the silly nerdy awesomeness. Tonight is the series finale after 12 seasons. Aloha Leonard, Howard, Raj, Sheldon, Stuart, Penny, Amy, and Bernadette.🙏🏼♥️🤙🏼 Live long and bazinga. 🤣🤣🤣 #BigBangTheory #TheBigBangTheory
— Mo (@mobettah293) May 16, 2019
When The Big Bang Theory has a better finale than Game of Thrones #sorrynotsorry #itsoveritsdone
— μsli (@Starry1337) May 20, 2019
Aww. Bawling here. Thank you #BigBangTheory for the sweetest, best series finale. An absolutely perfect ending.
— JennyofOldstones (@MeetingPlanner5) May 17, 2019
If you need me, I’ll be in the corner singing soft kitty. #BigBangTheoryFinale
When @bigbangtheory first aired, I just started college. Yesterday, I was hooded for my Ph. D, coinciding with the series finale tonight. This show got me through grad school and will be missed #Bazinga #BigBangTheory
— Ken Baumann (@KBAUM711) May 17, 2019
Sheldon gets a heart. Leonard and penny get a kid they didn’t want. And Raj ends up alone and sad. What kinda finale is this!? #BigBangTheory
— e💚 (@iheart_channing) May 17, 2019
@bigbangtheory you did not disappoint. The absolute best finale. All the big bang surprises are awesome. I have been laughing the entire time. And was crying by the end. #wearefamily #BigBangTheory
— Lori Knisely (@LDKnise) May 17, 2019
Thank you to my other family! I have come to love all you have given for so many years and for each one of you. I will continue to play my reruns so I won’t feel so sad! Hugs to you all and writers that made us feel apart of your lives.
— Anne Birch (@asylvie) May 17, 2019