Filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani says it was ‘unfortunate’ that Ranbir Kapoor’s look from Sanjay Dutt’s biopic was leaked but the director is happy with the way the movie is shaping up.

b’Image Source: Instagram/ranbirkapooruniverse’

Hirani is currently busy filming the biopic on Dutt, which features Ranbir in the titular role of the ‘Khalnayak’ actor.

Recently Ranbir’s new look from the film went viral online with most lauding the uncanny similarities between the reel and real character.

b’Image Source: Instagram/bhawsheel_singh_sahni’

“The pictures shouldn’t have come out. We were shooting at Carter road (in Bandra, a suburb in Mumbai) so it came out. But I am very happy. The film is being made with a lot of happiness and when a film is made with happiness, it turns out good. It’s a great story,” Hirani told PTI.

The director says the team hasn’t locked a title yet for the movie. They have shot 60 per cent of the film and are now gearing up for another schedule in New York.

b’Image Source: Instagram/ananyag81′

Hirani was speaking at the launch of filmmaker Tanuja Chandra’s debut novel ‘Bijnis Woman’.

(Fearture Image Source: Instagram/ranbirkapooruniverse)