Bollywood playback singer Kanika Kapoor popularly known for her dance hits like Babydoll and Chitiyan Kalaiyan has reportedly tested positive for COVID-19 after she allegedly hid her travel history from the airport authorities.
According to reports, after concealing her travel history, the 41-year-old-singer irresponsibly threw a lavish party at a 5-star-hotel for her friends and family, after she returned on March 15 from London.
Officially announcing her diagnosis on one of her social media platforms, she claims that she started seeing the symptoms 4-days after her arrival. She further commented:
For the past 4 days I have had signs of flu, I got myself tested and it came positive for Covid-19. My family and I are in complete quarantine now and following medical advice on how to move forward. Contact mapping of people I have been in touch with is underway as well.
Even though she claims that she was tested by the airport authorities, various sources have revealed that she dodged the screening.
My colleague @ShivendraAajTak has learnt that #KanikaKapoor escaped screening at Lucknow airport, by colluding with authorities on ground and hiding in the washroom.
— Poulomi Saha (@PoulomiMSaha) March 20, 2020
Time to find & penalise these others culpable too.
Netizens are furious with her behaviour and are demanding strict punishment for her actions:
Let me say this aloud – #KanikaKapoor needs to be arrested and given some punishment. Any person knowingly putting life of others in danger needs to be stringently dealt with as we battle #CoronavirusOutbreakindia
— Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj (@DeepikaBhardwaj) March 20, 2020
This woman should be charged with criminal negligence. Period.
Educated fools like #kanikakapoor are more dangerous than #coronavirus itself. India had successfully kept the disease at bay for a long time but irresponsible n juvenile behaviour can upset the fight.
— Tuhin A. Sinha (@tuhins) March 20, 2020
How uneducated are some privileged ones in our country!
— Mimansa Shekhar (@mimansashekhar) March 20, 2020
Shame #KanikaKapoor
#KanikaKapoor tests positive for COVID-19.
— Raj Ujjwal (@rajusual) March 20, 2020
*Meanwhile People who attended her party :
Kanika kapoor is irresponsible .World is battling a disease but inko party karni hai wo bhi 100 log ko bulake. Jail would be an easy escape for as she will get bail easily so i hope she is made to pay money for those who are infected because of her. #kanikakapoor
— PhenomenalOne (@SlayerKing_05) March 20, 2020
#KanikaKapoor after testing positive for Corona
— Sir Yuzvendra (parody) (@SirYuzvendra) March 20, 2020
And we call them our celebrities #KanikaKapoor 😠😠😡😡😡
— THE BONE DOCTOR OF J & K Dr Vikas Padha (@DrVikasPadha) March 20, 2020
Kanika Kapoor returned from London to Lucknow, hid in the bathroom of airport and sneaked out without informing anyone and gave dinner party to a 100 people. Now she has been found infected with Corona Virus.
— Rishi Rajput (@RajputRis) March 20, 2020
How Irresponsible! #KanikaKapoor
— Ankush (@_James_Bong) March 20, 2020
#KanikaKapoor hosted a lavish party for her friends and family at a five-star hotel and now she tests positive for COVID-19.
— Nishant Raj (@nishant4_king) March 20, 2020
Those who attended her party :-#KanikaKapoor
#kanikakapoor episode just shows that Stardom & Money and privilege doesn’t guarantee minimum common sense. Their irresponsible behaviour can upset the fight against #coronavirus which till date has been reasonably contained in India
— Rishi Bagree 🇮🇳 (@rishibagree) March 20, 2020
Another example of a moron celebrity
— Rishi Mishra (@RishiMishra_) March 20, 2020
Singer #KanikaKapoor of Baby Doll hide her details with the authorities after she returned from London
She joined a party at a 5 star hotel, coming into contact with 100 people
Now she is tested positive
She must be sued for it.
#Kanikakapoor returned from London to Lucknow, hid in the bathroom of airport and sneaked out without informing anyone and gave dinner party to a 100 people. Now she has been found infected with Corona Virus. She should be arrested.
— Pushpendra Singh (@pushpendrakum) March 20, 2020
Educated,rich,privileged ppl are behaving as most uneducated ones and putting risk on lives of poors.
— Soumy Sharma (@SoumySharma11) March 20, 2020
Tax all the rich people who imported this disease.
— Abh (@Abh17431725) March 20, 2020
There is #KartikAaryan who made the monologue for public safety from #CoronaVirus.
— JUST A FAN. (@iamsrk_brk) March 20, 2020
Then there is #KanikaKapoor who put 100 lives in danger by throwing a party while she was infected with the virus.
Bollywood has many artists, but only a few are human.