Bollywood playback singer Kanika Kapoor popularly known for her dance hits like Babydoll and Chitiyan Kalaiyan has reportedly tested positive for COVID-19 after she allegedly hid her travel history from the airport authorities. 

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According to reports, after concealing her travel history, the 41-year-old-singer irresponsibly threw a lavish party at a 5-star-hotel for her friends and family, after she returned on March 15 from London.

Officially announcing her diagnosis on one of her social media platforms, she claims that she started seeing the symptoms 4-days after her arrival. She further commented: 

For the past 4 days I have had signs of flu, I got myself tested and it came positive for Covid-19. My family and I are in complete quarantine now and following medical advice on how to move forward. Contact mapping of people I have been in touch with is underway as well. 
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Hello everyone, For the past 4 days I have had signs of flu, I got myself tested and it came positive for Covid-19. My family and I are in complete quarantine now and following medical advice on how to move forward. Contact mapping of people I have been in touch with is underway aswell. I was scanned at the airport as per normal procedure 10days ago when I came back home, the symptoms have developed only 4 days ago. At this stage I would like to urge you all to practice self isolation and get tested if you have the signs. I am feeling ok, like a normal flu and a mild fever, however we need to be sensible citizens at this time and think of all around us. We can get through this without panic only if we listen to the experts and our local, state and central government directives. Wishing everyone good health. Jai Hind ! Take care, KK

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Even though she claims that she was tested by the airport authorities, various sources have revealed that she dodged the screening. 

Netizens are furious with her behaviour and are demanding strict punishment for her actions: 

We hope that the UP healthcare professionals are able to track down and hopefully quarantine every attendee and hotel staff that she came in contact with during the party.