The sad and harsh reality of social media has come to light once again with Aaliyah Kashyap, Anurag Kashyap’s daughter’s recent Instagram post. 

The 20-year-old shared a note stating that she received rape threats and was subjected to sexual harassment after she posted a picture of herself in lingerie. 

She stated that these past few weeks have been hard on her mental health and how she has never been more frightened as she was. 

The past few weeks have been really hard on my mental health. Ever since I posted a photo of me in lingerie, I have been getting the most vile, degrading and disgusting comments. I have never felt more frightened than I have in the past few weeks to the point where I considered deleting my instagram. I have tried to ignore the harassment and shrug it off but the truth is that we need to speak about it because these kind of comments contribute to the rape culture that affects all women in India (and the rest of the world) in one way or the other.

Her statement is what every single woman in the country, if not the world, goes through for being herself on social media. Aaliyah even stated that this excessive sexualisation has in the past led up to her being ‘sexually assaulted as a minor by a middle aged man.’. 

Aaliyah’s blunt words hide the truth of cyberbullying behind them. 

Read her full post here:

It is high time we start calling out the people on the internet for their toxic behaviour. More power to you, Aaliyah!