Tamil actor Jiiva made his Bollywood debut with Kabir Khan’s latest film 83. In the film, he plays the role of Krishnamachari Srikkanth, the opening batter for India in the 1983 World Cup tournament and former Indian skipper.

Jiiva was the show stealer in 83 as K Srikkanth. It filled our hearts to see Jiiva play the role of Cheeka.

If you loved his performance in 83, here are a few of his other critically acclaimed movies that you must watch.

1. Kalathil Santhippom (2021)

The film revolves around the lives of two friends, Ashok (Jiiva) and Anand (Arulnithi), who work in a finance company and are also professional kabaddi players. It has garnered mixed response from the audience. Its songs, dialogues and comic timing of the actors make it worth watching.

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You can watch it on Zee5.

2. Dishyum (2006)

This is one of the most popular of Jiiva’s movies that received positive reviews from critics. The film is a classic example of how a simple rich girl-poor boy love story can be seen in a fresh light. It is closer to reality than other love stories and is a feel-good movie that youngsters would love to watch.

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You can watch it on Zee5.

3. Seeru (2020)

The 2020 film starts off as any other mass Kollywood movie – big fights, romance and hero’s entry. But once you get past it, Jiiva’s performance keeps you engaged in a nice masala movie. He is perfect for the role of Manimaran with his comic touches and friendly look. The movie, you can say, is a mixed bag of comedy, action, sentiments, and a crucial message.


The film released only in theatres. You can watch the trailer here.

4. Ko (2011)

In this political-action thriller, Jiiva plays the role of Ashwin Kumar, a photojournalist. The photographs he clicks are his greatest weapons in exposing political scandals. The film also shows how journalists are faced with choice between pursuing the truth or letting a public untruth stand for the good of society.

You can watch it on Prime Video.

5. Siva Manasula Sakthi (2009)

The romantic-comedy stars Jeeva and Anuya in lead roles and is known for its superhit soundtrack. At the end of the film, you will find yourselves smiling.

6. Kattradhu Thamizh (2007)

The film featured Jiiva and Anjali in lead roles. It is the story of a mentally affected person who gradually becomes a psychopath and comes back to normalcy when his love returns. It set the bar high in Tamil cinema with its brilliant screenplay and amazing performance by Jiiva.

7. Raam (2005)

Raam is a simple story of affection between a mother and a son. Jiiva’s strong performance coupled with an extraordinary cinematography by Ramjhi, the movie went down well with the audience. Jiiva also won a prestigious award at the Cyprus International Film Festival this film.

You can watch it on Jio Cinema.

How many of these have you watched?