Ever since he became the Chief of the Censor Board in India, it looks like Pahlaj Nihalani has been running around with scissors. While the infamous Udta Punjab controversy is certainly one of his most notorious works, it was just one of many controversies that have happened due to his interference. 

While Pahlaj and his team have been chopping off intimate scenes from every major film, in his latest interview to HT, he says “you are entitled to kiss to your heart’s content” if the film maker gets an ‘A’ certificate.

Karan Johar’s Ae Dil Hai Mushkil has been battling a lot of political pressure. And recently, CBFC chopped a few scenes in the film, including Anushka Sharma’s kissing scenes that were reduced by 50%. 

In the same interview, making yet another bizarre statement, he says:

“We are following guidelines. Aamir Khan, James Bond (Daniel Craig) and Ranbir Kapoor are intense actors. They also kiss intensely. When producers want a U/A certificate for their film, the intensity of intimacy has to be toned down for younger viewers. (But) If you have an A certificate, you are entitled to kiss to your heart’s content.”

It’s interesting to note, however, that the CBFC recently passed Befikre‘s trailer with 12 kisses and gave it a U/A certificate. 

As Indian Express reports, Pahlaj passed those scenes because the kisses were not just about titillating the audience but about love instead!  

Apparently, Mr. Nihalani is a now a Love Guru as well!