Whether it is a fake account or real accounts of people who have a penchant to be offensive, online trolls are, frankly, not the most loved people. We are all in for freedom of speech but not when someone, nay – someone online – misuses it.
For instance, when FKA twigs and Robert Pattinson’s engagement was announced, albeit mistakenly by T-Pain, trolls on Twitter went pretty much insane and bombarded her with racial tweets.
The usually level-headed FKA twigs had to respond saying, “I am genuinely shocked and disgusted at the amount of racism that has been infecting my account the past week. Racism is unacceptable in the real world, and it’s unacceptable online” as reported by Nylon .
A day ago, in an interview to NME , Pattinson was asked about the incident. He made sure he made his displeasure known.
“I was talking to my dad about this and I bet him that if he looked up Nelson Mandela’s funeral on YouTube, the first comment would be a racist one. And it was, with like a million upvotes. What I don’t get is why.”
“I think it’s because most normal people are not commenters – I’ve never met anyone who’s left a comment on anything. It’s just demons who live in basements. You have this weird thing where you end up trying to fight against this faceless blob, where the more you hate it, the bigger it gets, because it’s all in your head.”
Well, we are with you on this one, Rob!
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