Salman Khan and swag are synonymous to each other. After unveiling his first look from his upcoming film, Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan, Salman has now left us impressed with an off-screen appearance. This time, Bhaijaan is oozing swag with a pinch of great talent which I believe no one ever thought of.

So, Salman had recently attended film producer Murad Khetani’s birthday bash and a video of him arriving at the venue has become the talk of the Twitter town. The viral clip has your answer.

A screenshot from video

The video posted by a Twitter user, @shiqayat, shows Salman coming out of his car and holding a slightly-filled transparent glass in his hand. Then, he literally inserts the glass in his jeans’ pocket without even looking there and surprisingly, it fits!

“Did he shove a whole glass of water into his pocket?” the user wrote.

Watch the clip here:

And, and, and Twitterati can’t calm with the bhai ka swag:

Swag on next level. The one and only idgaf superstar in bollywood for sure (sic). 


Don’t you ever ever claim to have swag till you can shove a glass, yes a glass, of water in your pocket and walk (sic). 


Whatever it is in the glass, the fact that he could fit it in his pocket is making me really angry here as I struggle to shove my tiny wallet in my pocket (sic). 
Salman Khan be like, F the bottle, ima just bring my own peg and put in my pocket (sic).


Whatever Salman Khan is holding in his glass, he is surely a vibe at this moment! And I am crying out loud in the corner ‘coz my tiny wallet can’t even adjust in pocket. *sobs*.

Meanwhile, watch the teaser of Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan here:

Swag always on point!