This Diwali clash of two Bollywood big ticket movies has created much anticipation. Karan Johar’s Ae Dil Hai Mushkil and Ajay Devgn’s Shivaay have been talk of the town for different reasons.
Recently some news reports claimed Ajay Devgn’s Shivaay surpassed the test of censor board by getting a ‘U’ certificate with only few cuts.
But seems like it was a false alarm, Ajay Devgn himself tweeted confirming of no such development
Just for your information guys, censor is yet to see Shivaay. I will update as soon as the censor is done.
— Ajay Devgn (@ajaydevgn) October 17, 2016
Even the official publicist of Shivaay released a statement calling the rumors false and baseless.
Shivaay is all set to hit cinemas this Diwali.
Watch the trailer :