Rajkumar Hirani, was recently accused of sexually harassing an assistant director during the post-production of his film Sanju. Hirani denied all allegations and stated that this was being done to taint his reputation.
When Sonam Kapoor was asked to comment on the situation during the promotion of her latest venture Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga, she said,
“I know Raju Hirani very well. I have known him for many years and I have huge respect for him as a filmmaker and as a man. I think we all should reserve judgement and be very responsible before we say anything more on this subject. Because we don’t need to derail this movement.”
She also went ahead and stated that her film is as important as the #MeToo movement and this isn’t the right platform to discuss the issue.
This left many baffled since Sonam was one of the first people to come out in support of Tanushree Dutta who was the first one to bring this movement to our country.
But when it came to Rajkumar Hirani, her opinion was,
“I always want to believe a woman but suppose by chance, if it is not true, then how bad it will be for the movement, especially if it is somebody like Raju Hirani.”
Sonam received a lot of backlash from the public for her comments and people expressed their opinion on Twitter.
Put a bunch of marbles in a tin can and shake it around: makes more sense than what Sonam Kapoor said about Rajkumar Hirani. “Our film is as important as the movement.” What even.
— Sandhya Menon (@TheRestlessQuil) January 31, 2019
Let me fix that for you “we don’t need to derail my upcoming release”
— Gobbledyspook (@gobbledyspook) January 31, 2019
U cannot pick and choose who to believe or not based on your relationship with the accused. NOONE should be saying Sonam stands for women again. Bollywood is total bullshit. I feel sorry for the women who are not A list. They will not be protected. Physically sickening.
— Content (@HopePatel04) January 30, 2019
It’s Sonam Kapoor. I don’t expect anything more than this half-assed statement.
— Poorva Joshi (@poorvajoshi93) January 31, 2019
Selective activism.
— Druss Reacher (@myqueries137) January 31, 2019
More like unselective stupidity.
— Sandhya Menon (@TheRestlessQuil) January 31, 2019
Sonam Kapoor reeks of elite ignorance.
— Parmesh Dogra (@Parmesh101) February 1, 2019
Pic 1 : We owe them our trust.Pic 2: We should reserve our judgement.Hypocrisy ka expert @sonamakapoor . pic.twitter.com/6cjBADPYtF
— Un-bhadralok bangali (@goonereol) January 31, 2019
Hypocrisy at its best?