Earlier yesterday, the release of Sushant Singh Rajput’s last film, Dil Bechara on Disney+ Hotstar left us all in awe of the late actor as the ending shattered our heart into a million pieces.
While the film was available on Disney+ Hotstar’s Multiplex for free, Dil Bechara was still leaked online, on torrent sites.
Yup, you heard that right folks, to honour the memory of the late actor, Disney+ Hotstar made the viewing of this particular movie free of cost. This means that anybody without a subscription to the streaming platform could watch it.
However, the leaked, pirated version of the film is available in HD quality. The film landed on torrent websites like Tamil Rockers within hours of its official release.
This careless, unethical incident of leaking this movie ( or any other movie) on Torrent websites which was already free of cost on the official streaming platform should concern us about the growing evil of piracy.
We hope some actions are taken against this blatant violation of copyrights. Let’s stand in solidarity against piracy and condemn this act.