The trailer of Shah Rukh Khan starrer Fan came out on February 29 and we’re all really excited about the film. The trailer looks promising and Shah Rukh’s double role as the movie star and his fan has us intrigued big time. 

The core plot of the film is a fan’s obsession with his idol, and we’re probably seeing such a story for the first time. Or so we thought!

Here’s the trailer of a 1996 film, The Fan, starring Robert De Niro and Wesley Snipes and we couldn’t help but spot the obvious similarities.

Watch the trailer of The Fan (1996) here:

Source: CappaZack

Hopefully, Shah Rukh’s Fan will not be ‘inspired’ by this one, or even if it is, we hope that it will be a good film with great performances.

At least that’s what all the SRK fans are hoping!

Feature image source: dna